I want to start by thanking the ladies at ForBlackWeddings.com for the opportunity to share my wedding planning experience and my special day.
Finally, after many disappointments, failed relationships, always being the bridesmaid and never the bride, my time has come – I’m getting married!!!
The Engagement
After years of separation, Bobby and I were reunited at our class reunion. The reunion sparked my interest because it was the first anyone was able to pull off since graduation, and I was interested in catching up with old classmates. According to Bobby, he had a different agenda. He claims I was his incentive for attending. At the reunion, Bobby approached me inquiring about how I was doing and why I wasn’t married. Of course, me being me, I threw the marriage question back at him. We talked a couple times throughout the night and he asked for my number. I gave it to him not anticipating that he would call.
When Bobby called, I was hesitant to call him back; however, I gave in after he’d left a couple of messages. After an enjoyable phone conversation, he suggested that we get together. The following weekend, we went to dinner and a movie. We had a great time! He walked me to my car and said we needed to do it again. From that night, we talked at least two to three times a day. We had a lot in common, including the fact that he and my sister/best friend shared the same birthday. That commonality explained why we clicked. Although I knew something was there, I tried to hold back. I questioned my every move until I decided to let go and let God (lead me).
A few months into the relationship, we were already talking about “our future”. We even looked at rings on the cruise we took in July. Three weeks ago (13 months later), he proposed with a beautiful ring. It wasn’t romantic, but definitely unique and thoughtful. I’d been having “just one of those days, that a girl goes through” and he came over to take me to dinner. He noticed my bad mood and questioned if I still wanted to go out. I needed to get out the house and at that point; I just wanted a drink. So, I searched for my keys and finally found them in the bottom of my purse. As I walked toward the door, I looked down and saw something hanging from my key chain. Bobby was ahead of me so I called out to him asking what it was and if it was a toy. I later realized it was the bottom of my ring’s band. Of course, he played dumb but then I saw the “bling” from the diamond. Awestruck, I looked at him and told him to come to me. I stood frozen with my hands shaking. He walked over, asked if I wanted him to put it on, got on his knee, asked me to marry him, and then put the ring on my finger. Bobby said he considered proposing on Sunday; but, after seeing the bad mood I was in, he knew the time was NOW.
After I said that the ring looked like the one we saw on the cruise, he confessed that it was and he’d purchased it at the last island we visited. He’d secretly bought it, along with his and her watches, while I was off browsing in another section of the store. He wanted to make sure the ring would be one I’d like. That was another display of his thoughtfulness, always thinking of me. That’s the man I am in love with and am planning to marry. Talk with you soon, Pam.
The Engagement
After years of separation, Bobby and I were reunited at our class reunion. The reunion sparked my interest because it was the first anyone was able to pull off since graduation, and I was interested in catching up with old classmates. According to Bobby, he had a different agenda. He claims I was his incentive for attending. At the reunion, Bobby approached me inquiring about how I was doing and why I wasn’t married. Of course, me being me, I threw the marriage question back at him. We talked a couple times throughout the night and he asked for my number. I gave it to him not anticipating that he would call.
When Bobby called, I was hesitant to call him back; however, I gave in after he’d left a couple of messages. After an enjoyable phone conversation, he suggested that we get together. The following weekend, we went to dinner and a movie. We had a great time! He walked me to my car and said we needed to do it again. From that night, we talked at least two to three times a day. We had a lot in common, including the fact that he and my sister/best friend shared the same birthday. That commonality explained why we clicked. Although I knew something was there, I tried to hold back. I questioned my every move until I decided to let go and let God (lead me).
A few months into the relationship, we were already talking about “our future”. We even looked at rings on the cruise we took in July. Three weeks ago (13 months later), he proposed with a beautiful ring. It wasn’t romantic, but definitely unique and thoughtful. I’d been having “just one of those days, that a girl goes through” and he came over to take me to dinner. He noticed my bad mood and questioned if I still wanted to go out. I needed to get out the house and at that point; I just wanted a drink. So, I searched for my keys and finally found them in the bottom of my purse. As I walked toward the door, I looked down and saw something hanging from my key chain. Bobby was ahead of me so I called out to him asking what it was and if it was a toy. I later realized it was the bottom of my ring’s band. Of course, he played dumb but then I saw the “bling” from the diamond. Awestruck, I looked at him and told him to come to me. I stood frozen with my hands shaking. He walked over, asked if I wanted him to put it on, got on his knee, asked me to marry him, and then put the ring on my finger. Bobby said he considered proposing on Sunday; but, after seeing the bad mood I was in, he knew the time was NOW.
After I said that the ring looked like the one we saw on the cruise, he confessed that it was and he’d purchased it at the last island we visited. He’d secretly bought it, along with his and her watches, while I was off browsing in another section of the store. He wanted to make sure the ring would be one I’d like. That was another display of his thoughtfulness, always thinking of me. That’s the man I am in love with and am planning to marry. Talk with you soon, Pam.