Have you ever experienced when you just buy a new car and your on the road, and every where you look you see the exact make and model of your new car EVERYWHERE? Well it seems that those same strange phenomena happen when you get engaged and are planning your wedding! Weddings just seem to pop up, and you seem to get invited to more and more. This year my fiancé and I have four weddings to go to (not including our own). Even though it is fun to attend weddings especially those of your close family and friends, you can’t help but to attend these weddings like an eager pupil ready to learn that day’s lesson! My fiancé joked with me at the last wedding we attended together. While in the car he said “Babe, you forgot something!” I just looked at him and said “What is it that I have forgotten”. He added “You pad and pencil, so you can take notes.” As I rolled my eyes, I knew it was true. Whenever you get engaged and you are in the mode of planning your wedding, other people’s weddings you go to are just not a cause of celebration, they are a cause to take notes, ideas, and the do’s and don’ts o f the days festivities. You almost feel a sense of guilt while attending these weddings, because instead of enjoying the atmosphere and the whole experience of the day your spending time figuring out the small details that went into planning the day.
At the most recent wedding I actually found myself counting the number of tables and chairs, all while doing the mathematical equation to figure out how many guest the bride and groom had invited and how many had actually attended. I also made sure to listen to the choice of music played at the wedding, take notice and observe the people behind the scenes (wedding coordinator, photographer, and any other vendors I could see that crossed my line of vision). Okay, okay, don’t shake your head and cut your eye at me to hard. I know it’s kind of sad, but it’s almost as if you can’t help it. In six months my fiancé and I will host the biggest party and celebration that we will ever be apart of. I feel like going to other couple’s wedding is a training ground. On the ride home from the wedding we attending, as soon as my fiancé and I got back onto the road home we both looked at each other and almost immediately we said “Go, pros and cons about today!” We couldn’t help but laugh at ourselves, but we spent some time talking about what we enjoyed and what we didn’t enjoy, as well as things we wanted for our own day. It’s almost as if anything wedding related not just attending wedding ceremonies has come a means of getting ideas and seeing how others perceptive on how to plan a wedding.
From visiting sites like ForBlackWeddings.com and reading blogs and other articles it seems like it’s a whole new perspective and it has you asking yourself sometimes “Whose Wedding is it anyway? So in another two weeks, we have another wedding to attend, and you better believe I will be there with a pen and a pad taking in as many notes and ideas as I can. I mean can you blame me?
As you plan your wedding do you feel like you are more critical of others weddings? Or are you using the experience of attending others weddings to gain ideas for your own wedding day?
Share your thoughts!
Until next time! Happy Planning!